
道德經(三十八章)|Tao Te Ching (Verse 38)
You can readily recognize the highest virtuousness
because it never places itself on display.
You can readily recognize the lowest virtuousness
because it is always announcing itself.
The highest virtue quietly serves universal needs.
The lowest virtue actively strives for personal success.
The highest morality serves common needs.
The lowest morality is self-serving.
True venevolence
acts without intention.
But when rituals go unheeded,
they are enforced with rolled-up sleeves.
Failing the Great Integrity, we resort to virtuousness.
Failing virtuousness, we resort to moralizing.
Failing moralizing, we resort to dogma,
the most superficial form of faith and loyalty,
and the nourishment for confusion.
Natural persons are attracted
to substance rather than form,
to the nutritious fruit rather than the enticing flower,
to that which dwells deeply within,
rather than to that which clings superficially to the surface.
P.S. Suddenly felt a bit confused, so I grabbed the 'Tao Te Ching' by Lao Tzu, and read the above.
You can readily recognize the highest virtuousness
because it never places itself on display.
You can readily recognize the lowest virtuousness
because it is always announcing itself.
The highest virtue quietly serves universal needs.
The lowest virtue actively strives for personal success.
The highest morality serves common needs.
The lowest morality is self-serving.
True venevolence
acts without intention.
But when rituals go unheeded,
they are enforced with rolled-up sleeves.
Failing the Great Integrity, we resort to virtuousness.
Failing virtuousness, we resort to moralizing.
Failing moralizing, we resort to dogma,
the most superficial form of faith and loyalty,
and the nourishment for confusion.
Natural persons are attracted
to substance rather than form,
to the nutritious fruit rather than the enticing flower,
to that which dwells deeply within,
rather than to that which clings superficially to the surface.
P.S. Suddenly felt a bit confused, so I grabbed the 'Tao Te Ching' by Lao Tzu, and read the above.
四位座上客,四個湯+兩客沙拉+兩客鵝肝+兩客主菜魚+一客牛肋骨+一客羊架+四客芝士餅+咖啡/洛神茶,再配三瓶半枝裝的美酒:Chassagne-Montrachet white + St Estephe red + Marguax red。
一如以往,相伴美酒佳餚的,當然是對談與交流:飲食、文章、政治、旅行、愛情、婚姻、上一代與下一代、時代巨輪下的變化...... 無所不談,想起就說,想笑就笑。
四位座上客,四個湯+兩客沙拉+兩客鵝肝+兩客主菜魚+一客牛肋骨+一客羊架+四客芝士餅+咖啡/洛神茶,再配三瓶半枝裝的美酒:Chassagne-Montrachet white + St Estephe red + Marguax red。
一如以往,相伴美酒佳餚的,當然是對談與交流:飲食、文章、政治、旅行、愛情、婚姻、上一代與下一代、時代巨輪下的變化...... 無所不談,想起就說,想笑就笑。
The Art of Travel (V)
I was writing about the sadness while travelling alone on the road in my first piece about 'art of travel'. Then I shared some more views about travelling later on. Now, I believe this piece will be my last one about travelling for the time being. Maybe there will be some more writing about travelling later - I don't know yet. Depends on my next trip probably.
This last round of thinking is going back to the question about travelling alone. I was walking on the street tonight, after midnight - it was quiet, and it was cold. I realized I always did this kind of 'walk' while I was away from Hong Kong. I remembered the walk on Champs Elysees in Paris (France), the walk from Teatro dell'Opera di Roma (Rome Opera House) to the hostel nearby termini (terminal train station) in Rome (Italy), the walk from Buda to Pest in Budapest (Hungary), the walk along the beach in Cascais (Portugal), the walk...
I could go non-stop.
Next, I realized I have been travelling on the road alone for quite some time. Occasionally, there were times when I had to travel on my own - but I wasn't really into 'travelling alone', until my trip in late 2007. Probably that trip made me change. That was a trip to Italy/ Spain. Then, I found myself fallen in love with such trips. I started to notice, not just to see; I also started to listen, but not only to hear.
Very easily, we would fall into the trap of omitting the details we should have noticed or the key words we should have listened. Perhaps because of time pressure, or because of psychological issues, or whatever excuses we could make, simply the fact is - we miss the details. Then because we miss those details, we find it difficult to ask questions and know more or think more in-depth. We simply have our mind completely blank!
I guess at the end of the day, the details, the follow-up questions, the answers, what I've learnt from all these, and my thoughts - altogether made up the inspiration I have been having.
Eventually, travelling is neither an escape, nor a sightseeing occasion - but part of my learning process in life.
I'll keep going - and keep learning.
The opera I enjoyed at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma:
< http://en.operaroma.it/header/audio_video/carmen_2009 >.
An opera show at Italian opera house is kind of a MUST for me whenever I go Italy!
This last round of thinking is going back to the question about travelling alone. I was walking on the street tonight, after midnight - it was quiet, and it was cold. I realized I always did this kind of 'walk' while I was away from Hong Kong. I remembered the walk on Champs Elysees in Paris (France), the walk from Teatro dell'Opera di Roma (Rome Opera House) to the hostel nearby termini (terminal train station) in Rome (Italy), the walk from Buda to Pest in Budapest (Hungary), the walk along the beach in Cascais (Portugal), the walk...
I could go non-stop.
Next, I realized I have been travelling on the road alone for quite some time. Occasionally, there were times when I had to travel on my own - but I wasn't really into 'travelling alone', until my trip in late 2007. Probably that trip made me change. That was a trip to Italy/ Spain. Then, I found myself fallen in love with such trips. I started to notice, not just to see; I also started to listen, but not only to hear.
Very easily, we would fall into the trap of omitting the details we should have noticed or the key words we should have listened. Perhaps because of time pressure, or because of psychological issues, or whatever excuses we could make, simply the fact is - we miss the details. Then because we miss those details, we find it difficult to ask questions and know more or think more in-depth. We simply have our mind completely blank!
I guess at the end of the day, the details, the follow-up questions, the answers, what I've learnt from all these, and my thoughts - altogether made up the inspiration I have been having.
Eventually, travelling is neither an escape, nor a sightseeing occasion - but part of my learning process in life.
I'll keep going - and keep learning.
The opera I enjoyed at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma:
< http://en.operaroma.it/header/audio_video/carmen_2009 >.
An opera show at Italian opera house is kind of a MUST for me whenever I go Italy!
The Art of Travel (IV)
While you travel, your curiosity may just explode - you may never have realized you would be like a kid again, asking all sorts of questions you have long lost.
What is that plant?
What is that animal?
Where am I?
What are those people doing there?
What should I say in order to say 'HELLO'?
What should I say in order to say 'THANK YOU'?
There are just all sorts of questions one gets in mind while travelling in another country - somewhere one has no idea about.
Apart from all those mixed feelings and the questions I had in mind, there was another thing that kept my mind busy. It's the thought about 'Continuity' and how close I am to a place or to a person or to a community...
I have been building my 'city list' - not for the sake of getting the pride for travelling to that many places (after all, not many indeed - though I know compared to some others, that's a lot.), but for the sake of getting to know how it is out there somewhere in the world, and how people live there... Yes, it's back to the point about my curiosity. As my friend's message - that's for young traveller.
Then, when it came to travelling on my own, the curiosity is no longer about the places only. It's more about 'self' and 'identity'. Through talking, knowing others, going around & looking at all new things - it's easy to trigger one to ask who i am, and where i am. Probably that's what my friend said, 'seasoned traveler'.
Bet I have been undergoing that kind of 'process' - then came my last trip to China. That's unexpectedly 'something else'. Yes, I did discover something about the places I have been to, and also about who I am. On top, I was discovering something about Chinese civilization.
I went to the Henan Museum and the 'Yellow River' region - amazing! I started learning things like how man was evolved, then all the dynasties, wars, culture... simply everything about humanities and civilization. I also learnt about how the Earth, the different types of earth, rocks... I never thought that I would be going that deep into such topics. I used to visit museums and churches in Europe - but then all I thought was about 'appreciation' of all those, what has happened at that period, and what made the people at that time got the ideas on those artpieces and architecture, etc.
I basically broke down all those as 'periods' to know about, but I never thought about the 'influences' carried forward as time passed. Until when I visited the Henan Museum and the 'Yellow River' region - there came the idea about 'continuity' and how the past affects the next generation - or until now.
So my next questions was - how ourselves in this generation is actually affecting the next generation? We could easily fall into the 'trap' to say something about the next generation, they are just not as good as ours. Yet, have we ever thought about where they learnt from? Have we ever thought about what we've done for ourselves AND the next generation?
I guess unless we believe that we gotta have no 'continuity' at the end, then we could stay with the perception or behave the same. Otherwise, perhaps we should do something for the next generation(s).
I'll keep going.
What is that plant?
What is that animal?
Where am I?
What are those people doing there?
What should I say in order to say 'HELLO'?
What should I say in order to say 'THANK YOU'?
There are just all sorts of questions one gets in mind while travelling in another country - somewhere one has no idea about.
Apart from all those mixed feelings and the questions I had in mind, there was another thing that kept my mind busy. It's the thought about 'Continuity' and how close I am to a place or to a person or to a community...
I have been building my 'city list' - not for the sake of getting the pride for travelling to that many places (after all, not many indeed - though I know compared to some others, that's a lot.), but for the sake of getting to know how it is out there somewhere in the world, and how people live there... Yes, it's back to the point about my curiosity. As my friend's message - that's for young traveller.
Then, when it came to travelling on my own, the curiosity is no longer about the places only. It's more about 'self' and 'identity'. Through talking, knowing others, going around & looking at all new things - it's easy to trigger one to ask who i am, and where i am. Probably that's what my friend said, 'seasoned traveler'.
Bet I have been undergoing that kind of 'process' - then came my last trip to China. That's unexpectedly 'something else'. Yes, I did discover something about the places I have been to, and also about who I am. On top, I was discovering something about Chinese civilization.
I went to the Henan Museum and the 'Yellow River' region - amazing! I started learning things like how man was evolved, then all the dynasties, wars, culture... simply everything about humanities and civilization. I also learnt about how the Earth, the different types of earth, rocks... I never thought that I would be going that deep into such topics. I used to visit museums and churches in Europe - but then all I thought was about 'appreciation' of all those, what has happened at that period, and what made the people at that time got the ideas on those artpieces and architecture, etc.
I basically broke down all those as 'periods' to know about, but I never thought about the 'influences' carried forward as time passed. Until when I visited the Henan Museum and the 'Yellow River' region - there came the idea about 'continuity' and how the past affects the next generation - or until now.
So my next questions was - how ourselves in this generation is actually affecting the next generation? We could easily fall into the 'trap' to say something about the next generation, they are just not as good as ours. Yet, have we ever thought about where they learnt from? Have we ever thought about what we've done for ourselves AND the next generation?
I guess unless we believe that we gotta have no 'continuity' at the end, then we could stay with the perception or behave the same. Otherwise, perhaps we should do something for the next generation(s).
I'll keep going.


Mysteries - no.1 & no.2 (please help...)
Finally 80% done for tidying up my room, and finally made it to unpack some of those stuff which I didn't have the courage to touch or read again for quite a while. So, I threw some of those away, and made room to keep those I wanna keep.
While making the room to fit them in, I found two pieces of paper, folded. I then read the content, and it was completely a mystery to me. I have no idea who wrote that to me - I am sure that's not my handwriting. The handwriting looks familiar, but simply I couldn't tell where they came...
If YOU happened to realize you wrote me the below to me before, please let me know. I wanna say a THANK-YOU!! Below the passages written there...
< MYSTERY 1: Here and There >
There is no place like here
for places on the map
are quite a different sort.
There're neither here nor there
but fixed at where they are;
yet here am I quite caught,
for here cannot be there,
though there is everywhere.
I fly from port to port
since somewhere I must be -
yet nowhere when I'm dead,
and that's a curious thought.
< MYSTERY 2: Days >
What are days for?
Days are where we live
They come, they wake us
Time and time over.
They are to be happy in:
Where can we live but days?
Ah, solving that question
Bring the priest and the doctor
In their long coats
Running over the fields.
While making the room to fit them in, I found two pieces of paper, folded. I then read the content, and it was completely a mystery to me. I have no idea who wrote that to me - I am sure that's not my handwriting. The handwriting looks familiar, but simply I couldn't tell where they came...
If YOU happened to realize you wrote me the below to me before, please let me know. I wanna say a THANK-YOU!! Below the passages written there...
< MYSTERY 1: Here and There >
There is no place like here
for places on the map
are quite a different sort.
There're neither here nor there
but fixed at where they are;
yet here am I quite caught,
for here cannot be there,
though there is everywhere.
I fly from port to port
since somewhere I must be -
yet nowhere when I'm dead,
and that's a curious thought.
< MYSTERY 2: Days >
What are days for?
Days are where we live
They come, they wake us
Time and time over.
They are to be happy in:
Where can we live but days?
Ah, solving that question
Bring the priest and the doctor
In their long coats
Running over the fields.




雖然是那樣無語的一天 ,不過電話響起來,還是接了。不好意思,推卻了其中兩位朋友的臨時約會,精神不好,不外出了。另外兩個來電,一個是關於公務,一個只是好友閒談而已。
我又把書枱上的所有物品重新排好,然後發現自己有八個筆筒,顏色筆的、墨水筆的、其他文具的、原子筆的...... 還有好幾瓶沙,有美國的、葡萄牙的、西西里的、中國的......
我又把書枱上的所有物品重新排好,然後發現自己有八個筆筒,顏色筆的、墨水筆的、其他文具的、原子筆的...... 還有好幾瓶沙,有美國的、葡萄牙的、西西里的、中國的......
What does 'perfect' mean?
All a sudden, I came up this question in mind while I was reading the description about the book that I was about to buy today. I really wanted to buy that book - but it was sealed, completely sealed. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to buy that, plus, I got quite a few books at home I haven't finished yet. So, I did all my effort to give a hold, then I came back home and checked online what that book is all about. (Now, I decided, I should buy!)
Anyway - so I was reading the description about the book that I wanted to buy. The author of this book passed away in 1977, and this book is indeed an incomplete one. He told his wife to burn all his writing - but she didn't do that. After his wife died, their son decided to publish this book after over 30 years of private debate on whether to follow the will of the author or not.
Finally, the author's will was not respected. The book was incomplete, the life of the author was not made 'perfect' as his wish didn't come true. His piece went public at the end.
In fact, I guess we never know what means by 'perfect', or if ever 'perfect' would be there in our lives. Probably that's because wants are unlimited, and no one can predict what's gonna happen next in our lives. Also, sometimes, no matter how 'perfect' we want to be (or how great we could do in order to make it 'perfect'), there are others around who might turn around the situation.
Life is like that - unpredictable, full of surprises, and changing every moment.
Now, I still want to strive for the best for everything I do, and avoid any 'unexpected' as far as I can (especially at work). Yet, if anything happened not the way I wanted - I'll just tell myself "'Let it be. See if any other way to sort it out. Sure there will be the way out if there is the will. Nothing gonna be perfect anyway."
I decided to buy the book:
The Original of Laura, by Vladimir Nabokov.
The first book I read, written by Vladimir Nabokov, was 'Lolita'. I read that when I was studying F.5. It was a hard time reading the book indeed, simply too difficult for me. Soon I started writing here, I turned to my bookshelf and grabbed the book 'Lolita'. Then I found this piece of paper folded, hidden there for more than 10years!! All written there were vocabularies that I didn't understand, which I looked up from the dictionary one by one in order to understand the story...
Anyway - so I was reading the description about the book that I wanted to buy. The author of this book passed away in 1977, and this book is indeed an incomplete one. He told his wife to burn all his writing - but she didn't do that. After his wife died, their son decided to publish this book after over 30 years of private debate on whether to follow the will of the author or not.
Finally, the author's will was not respected. The book was incomplete, the life of the author was not made 'perfect' as his wish didn't come true. His piece went public at the end.
In fact, I guess we never know what means by 'perfect', or if ever 'perfect' would be there in our lives. Probably that's because wants are unlimited, and no one can predict what's gonna happen next in our lives. Also, sometimes, no matter how 'perfect' we want to be (or how great we could do in order to make it 'perfect'), there are others around who might turn around the situation.
Life is like that - unpredictable, full of surprises, and changing every moment.
Now, I still want to strive for the best for everything I do, and avoid any 'unexpected' as far as I can (especially at work). Yet, if anything happened not the way I wanted - I'll just tell myself "'Let it be. See if any other way to sort it out. Sure there will be the way out if there is the will. Nothing gonna be perfect anyway."
I decided to buy the book:
The Original of Laura, by Vladimir Nabokov.
The first book I read, written by Vladimir Nabokov, was 'Lolita'. I read that when I was studying F.5. It was a hard time reading the book indeed, simply too difficult for me. Soon I started writing here, I turned to my bookshelf and grabbed the book 'Lolita'. Then I found this piece of paper folded, hidden there for more than 10years!! All written there were vocabularies that I didn't understand, which I looked up from the dictionary one by one in order to understand the story...

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) [published Feb 5 in a weekly magazine]
"The great composer does not set to work because he is inspired," wrote music critic Ernest Newman, "but becomes inspired because he is working. Beethoven, Wagner, Bach, and Mozart settled down day after day to the job in hand. They didn't waste time waiting for inspiration."
I think what Newman said applies to those working in any field where creativity is needed - which is really just about every field. Given your current astrological omens, Capricorn, it's especially apropos for you now. This is an excellent time to increase your mastery of the kind of discipline that spurs inventive thought and surprising breakthroughs.
I smiled when I read the first sentence, and then couldn't stop laughing after I finished reading the whole thing. 'inspiration', 'creativity', and 'breakthrough' - simply all the elements I have had in this week, especially since last Sat night!!
I'll keep going, and make my dream come true.
P.S. By the way, actually... my dream is... to be a 'farmer' in Italy, and grow the crop I like most! That's GRAPES!!
I think what Newman said applies to those working in any field where creativity is needed - which is really just about every field. Given your current astrological omens, Capricorn, it's especially apropos for you now. This is an excellent time to increase your mastery of the kind of discipline that spurs inventive thought and surprising breakthroughs.
I smiled when I read the first sentence, and then couldn't stop laughing after I finished reading the whole thing. 'inspiration', 'creativity', and 'breakthrough' - simply all the elements I have had in this week, especially since last Sat night!!
I'll keep going, and make my dream come true.
P.S. By the way, actually... my dream is... to be a 'farmer' in Italy, and grow the crop I like most! That's GRAPES!!
在此,亦祝福這個晚上一起狂歡和發癲的好友們,事事順利,新年到來,一切安好,開開心心過每一天~!(當然,亦祝願每一位只在FACEBOOK 相遇的,又或是良久未見的... ... 總之,所有人,萬事如意~!)
在此,亦祝福這個晚上一起狂歡和發癲的好友們,事事順利,新年到來,一切安好,開開心心過每一天~!(當然,亦祝願每一位只在FACEBOOK 相遇的,又或是良久未見的... ... 總之,所有人,萬事如意~!)
Indulged in this place,
so much into the blue sky,
the history and the arts.

(註:灰衣人是真人,非雕像|note: the grey one is a REAL man, not statue)
Indulged in this place,
so much into the blue sky,
the history and the arts.

(註:灰衣人是真人,非雕像|note: the grey one is a REAL man, not statue)


我都只會答,「那是我在葡萄牙拍的呀,那是我的早餐.. ...」
忽然想起另外三個人... ...
The Art of Travel (III)
Started writing my another piece of travel write-up. Frankly, I was not sure if this will be published or not. Let's see. Yet, I enjoyed the process a lot, during which I had a lot of thinking about life and MY living.
I know people might tell me 'Don't think too much' - but then I realized it is because of such thinking - I turned out to be the one who I am. I didn't mean to be just think and think, get stuck there, then no conclusion or not moving on because there might be confusion or sadness or whatsoever something that hinder us. What I meant is to think and get to the point that could keep me go on with energy.
My friend just said to me last night on msn that I am really energetic (I don't know how many of those there were, who have already said something like this before). Honestly, I don't think I'm THAT energetic, and might be occasionally not that postive-thinking as friends thought I am. Very likely, deeply inside, I got some kind of pessimistic mindset indeed.
My friend also asked me if travel can really take someone away and make one a better self eventually. No doubt, my answer was 'YES' (for me). +100% firm on this. I know friends who like travelling too - and everyone of them got differnt 'habits' or 'views' on travel. Some take it as a 'shopping trip', some as an 'escape', some think that is a 'quality time with my sweetheart'... there are plenty of reasons for travelling - and plenty different possibilities of what one gets from the trip.
On the other hand, there were many times that I heard of disappointment about a trip - it could be because 'weather was so bad, i couldn't go out at all.' or 'I had a big fight with my honey, and in fact, we just broke up!' or 'the tour guide was really bad.' OH well - for these years, since I felt like myself as a 'traveller', not a 'tourist' - I never came across such kind of situation anymore.
That was actually another question I have been asking myself, 'Why would I enjoy every single trip I have had, no matter how it was?' In fact, I had bad times too - yes, bad ones. I got lost, I got frustrated, I got stuck in mind, I felt like I was no one in nowhere, I missed my ex-, I worried about my work, I worried about my career... - after all, I am just a human being. I never denied I had such times.
The thing is while on the road, I saw many new things, I met new people, I came acorss situation which I had to deal with - probably not from any experience I had encountered before, nor any of my way of thinking could deal with that. Remember, I was AWAY from my familiar place - basically in another culture, with people speaking another language.
I started to learn how to deal with people from all around - having different way of thinking, or at different level in the society. I got to learn how to tell what is good, and what is bad; what is safe, and what is dangerous; what is something I like, and something I dislike; what is my preference; how to get that done; how to make it work out... all those turned out to be another sort of experience which I could never get while I am in Hong Kong, staying with my friends and family.
Another thing is about curiosity - I started asking questions and questions. Then during my trip, I would be there finding out the answers or some ways to get to the answers. Usually these kinds of questions would be related to the architecture I've seen, or artpiece I came across, or some kind of customs in that foreign country, or even just simply about the plants/ animals there, or about how people dressed, or just something I have never imagined before.
At the end, I found that I liked all my trips simply because there was no longer much expectation about the trip - I just went with the flow. I just wandered around and learnt something there - about culture, about people, about the city... Everyday - there was something new. And all these would then trigger my thought about life, and MY living. Indeed, the curiosity and all the NEW things I captured through my senses have brought me the contented feeling, and the happiness eventually no matter what had happened.
Guess I am the lucky one who can keep such kind of feeling even after I come back to Hong Kong after my trip. There came the energy I have here with me, and the passion burning in my heart.
I'll keep going.
I know people might tell me 'Don't think too much' - but then I realized it is because of such thinking - I turned out to be the one who I am. I didn't mean to be just think and think, get stuck there, then no conclusion or not moving on because there might be confusion or sadness or whatsoever something that hinder us. What I meant is to think and get to the point that could keep me go on with energy.
My friend just said to me last night on msn that I am really energetic (I don't know how many of those there were, who have already said something like this before). Honestly, I don't think I'm THAT energetic, and might be occasionally not that postive-thinking as friends thought I am. Very likely, deeply inside, I got some kind of pessimistic mindset indeed.
My friend also asked me if travel can really take someone away and make one a better self eventually. No doubt, my answer was 'YES' (for me). +100% firm on this. I know friends who like travelling too - and everyone of them got differnt 'habits' or 'views' on travel. Some take it as a 'shopping trip', some as an 'escape', some think that is a 'quality time with my sweetheart'... there are plenty of reasons for travelling - and plenty different possibilities of what one gets from the trip.
On the other hand, there were many times that I heard of disappointment about a trip - it could be because 'weather was so bad, i couldn't go out at all.' or 'I had a big fight with my honey, and in fact, we just broke up!' or 'the tour guide was really bad.' OH well - for these years, since I felt like myself as a 'traveller', not a 'tourist' - I never came across such kind of situation anymore.
That was actually another question I have been asking myself, 'Why would I enjoy every single trip I have had, no matter how it was?' In fact, I had bad times too - yes, bad ones. I got lost, I got frustrated, I got stuck in mind, I felt like I was no one in nowhere, I missed my ex-, I worried about my work, I worried about my career... - after all, I am just a human being. I never denied I had such times.
The thing is while on the road, I saw many new things, I met new people, I came acorss situation which I had to deal with - probably not from any experience I had encountered before, nor any of my way of thinking could deal with that. Remember, I was AWAY from my familiar place - basically in another culture, with people speaking another language.
I started to learn how to deal with people from all around - having different way of thinking, or at different level in the society. I got to learn how to tell what is good, and what is bad; what is safe, and what is dangerous; what is something I like, and something I dislike; what is my preference; how to get that done; how to make it work out... all those turned out to be another sort of experience which I could never get while I am in Hong Kong, staying with my friends and family.
Another thing is about curiosity - I started asking questions and questions. Then during my trip, I would be there finding out the answers or some ways to get to the answers. Usually these kinds of questions would be related to the architecture I've seen, or artpiece I came across, or some kind of customs in that foreign country, or even just simply about the plants/ animals there, or about how people dressed, or just something I have never imagined before.
At the end, I found that I liked all my trips simply because there was no longer much expectation about the trip - I just went with the flow. I just wandered around and learnt something there - about culture, about people, about the city... Everyday - there was something new. And all these would then trigger my thought about life, and MY living. Indeed, the curiosity and all the NEW things I captured through my senses have brought me the contented feeling, and the happiness eventually no matter what had happened.
Guess I am the lucky one who can keep such kind of feeling even after I come back to Hong Kong after my trip. There came the energy I have here with me, and the passion burning in my heart.
I'll keep going.
<> A photo my 'din por' friend shared with me. P.S. Perhaps some friends have realized that I always get lost in Hong Kong. In fact, whenever away from Hong Kong, I seldom get lost! You know why now...
掩飾得好的,被指為擁有高的EQ (Emotional Intelligence, 情緒智商),是好的表現;
掩飾得好的,被指為擁有高的EQ (Emotional Intelligence, 情緒智商),是好的表現;

A Beautiful Lie
Not sure where comes that line 'A Beautiful Life', but the meaning in that made me think.
In childhood years, our teachers and seniors told us to be honest, not to tell lies;
when we grow older, we realized there are many lies around in the world,
there might be ones even at home;
we then entered into the 'University of Society', although not to the extent that we have to tell lies,
but we got to know how to hide our true feelings or emotions sometimes.
For those who can hide them well, people said they have a 'high EQ (Emotional Intelligence), which is good.
How about relationship? There could be lies in there too.
There are always reasons behind - such as 'don't wanna him/her think too much'.
Whatever, it doesn't matter when and where the lie comes up,
it is a beautiful lie, because it's just that the liar wants a 'happy ending'.
However, just like there are always two sides for a coin,
who knows the 'happy ending' in my eyes is acutally a tragedy in others' eyes?
Who knows whether the 'happy ending' in someone's mind would be indeed a heart-breaking one for me?
No matter rationally or emotionally,
I couldn't tell if lies are really that beautiful,
or that saying is simply there masking the sin behind.
I bet no one can really tell what means by 'truth' & 'heartfelt words'.
What ground do we have for saying that is just a plot or those are lies?
After all, it's our heart which make the final decision.
If so, what we see & feel from heart is the most important,
that IS the truth.
It's all up to you whether you believe in that or not.
@Poland (2008)
In childhood years, our teachers and seniors told us to be honest, not to tell lies;
when we grow older, we realized there are many lies around in the world,
there might be ones even at home;
we then entered into the 'University of Society', although not to the extent that we have to tell lies,
but we got to know how to hide our true feelings or emotions sometimes.
For those who can hide them well, people said they have a 'high EQ (Emotional Intelligence), which is good.
How about relationship? There could be lies in there too.
There are always reasons behind - such as 'don't wanna him/her think too much'.
Whatever, it doesn't matter when and where the lie comes up,
it is a beautiful lie, because it's just that the liar wants a 'happy ending'.
However, just like there are always two sides for a coin,
who knows the 'happy ending' in my eyes is acutally a tragedy in others' eyes?
Who knows whether the 'happy ending' in someone's mind would be indeed a heart-breaking one for me?
No matter rationally or emotionally,
I couldn't tell if lies are really that beautiful,
or that saying is simply there masking the sin behind.
I bet no one can really tell what means by 'truth' & 'heartfelt words'.
What ground do we have for saying that is just a plot or those are lies?
After all, it's our heart which make the final decision.
If so, what we see & feel from heart is the most important,
that IS the truth.
It's all up to you whether you believe in that or not.
@Poland (2008)

The Art of Travel (II)
There was another question I have been asking myself too - 'Where's next?'. I couldn't stop thinking of the image of a map, and then I would start thinking 'How many hours it would take me to get to elsewhere there from Hong Kong?'
In fact, is it because of the distance I like - got to get far away from where I was born, where I live? Or is it because I like being there on the plane, and feeling as if I am flying freely in the sky?
The very first question has triggered a series of questions... questions... and questions...
A week ago, I came back from China. All a sudden, I felt like I got the answers to many questions. Not quite sure how this transition came up, it just happened.
I realized it is NOT the distance I like, which made me wanna travel. If so, I would not have enjoyed my trip to China. The distance is not comparable to that to Europe.
I realized it is NOT that I like being on the plane. I never felt like flying freely in the sky while sitting with the seatbelt fastened, plus hearing the announcement saying that 'we are now going through some turbulence. The toilet is closed. Please go back to your seat and have your seatbelt fastened'.
I found that what I truly enjoyed was being 'away' - without anyone around knowing who I am, or where I come from. Staying at home, I got the 'identity' as my mom's daughter; staying among my friends, I am 'Jennifer' who they know; participating in a wine dinner, I would be expected as a 'wine expert'... I never got the 'real chance' to know who I really am. The 'identity' is not exactly ME - that is somehow 'expectation' from around.
Being 'away' somewhere else has brought me the time, realizing who I really am. No one knows me, I am just a 'no one' in the eyes of the passers-by or people I meet during my trip. Chances are there I would be asked where I come from; there are also chances that they would ask me what I do in my country. It is because of such communications, I know who I am.
Remembered there were few occasions when my friend asked me why I wanted to travel, and being away that long. One friend told me it is 'luxurious escape', the other friend said to me 'you must have broken up with your boyfriend', and another said 'you never like Hong Kong'. My response to them was everytime a simple 'yes'. However, today - I realized not exactly indeed.
I wanted to travel because I wanted to be 'away'; being 'away', I could spend the time to search for 'self' and search for thoughts.
I'll keep going.
Myth (1): How could you 'communicate' with others while you speak different language from that they speak (and English/ Mandarin doesn't work out)?
Jen: Well, body language is universal. That's the best way to communicate.
Myth (2): Do you talk to any other while travelling on your own?
Jen: How can I not speak at all? No way! I like meeting new people and making new friends. Also because of the conversation, I learn more about their lives and my own life.
In fact, is it because of the distance I like - got to get far away from where I was born, where I live? Or is it because I like being there on the plane, and feeling as if I am flying freely in the sky?
The very first question has triggered a series of questions... questions... and questions...
A week ago, I came back from China. All a sudden, I felt like I got the answers to many questions. Not quite sure how this transition came up, it just happened.
I realized it is NOT the distance I like, which made me wanna travel. If so, I would not have enjoyed my trip to China. The distance is not comparable to that to Europe.
I realized it is NOT that I like being on the plane. I never felt like flying freely in the sky while sitting with the seatbelt fastened, plus hearing the announcement saying that 'we are now going through some turbulence. The toilet is closed. Please go back to your seat and have your seatbelt fastened'.
I found that what I truly enjoyed was being 'away' - without anyone around knowing who I am, or where I come from. Staying at home, I got the 'identity' as my mom's daughter; staying among my friends, I am 'Jennifer' who they know; participating in a wine dinner, I would be expected as a 'wine expert'... I never got the 'real chance' to know who I really am. The 'identity' is not exactly ME - that is somehow 'expectation' from around.
Being 'away' somewhere else has brought me the time, realizing who I really am. No one knows me, I am just a 'no one' in the eyes of the passers-by or people I meet during my trip. Chances are there I would be asked where I come from; there are also chances that they would ask me what I do in my country. It is because of such communications, I know who I am.
Remembered there were few occasions when my friend asked me why I wanted to travel, and being away that long. One friend told me it is 'luxurious escape', the other friend said to me 'you must have broken up with your boyfriend', and another said 'you never like Hong Kong'. My response to them was everytime a simple 'yes'. However, today - I realized not exactly indeed.
I wanted to travel because I wanted to be 'away'; being 'away', I could spend the time to search for 'self' and search for thoughts.
I'll keep going.
Taken @Henan Musuem.
Myth (1): How could you 'communicate' with others while you speak different language from that they speak (and English/ Mandarin doesn't work out)?
Jen: Well, body language is universal. That's the best way to communicate.
Myth (2): Do you talk to any other while travelling on your own?
Jen: How can I not speak at all? No way! I like meeting new people and making new friends. Also because of the conversation, I learn more about their lives and my own life.
Dialogue with a scientist
Thanks for my dear friend, who doesn't mind talking to this 'ScienceArtsBusiness Schizophrenia' patient.
Not sure if that is inborn, or due to the training/ education during my childhood, seems I got some kind of 'intelligence' to understand more from these three 'Worlds'. Although I was saying 'Three Worlds', to me, they are indeed in One World where I am living at.
Among my friends, there are quite some focusing on the knowledge in one of the 'Three Worlds'. Frankly, I really admire them. They have got that talent, the mentality and the focus. Scientists go after the 'truth' or want to improve the lives of human beings through their new inventions. Artists focus on aesthetics, which could possibly bring human beings the feeling of contented in heart. Businessmen were sometimes blame for their commercial focus. There is a Chinese saying 'If not doing something wicked, one cannot be a businessman'. That could imply all businessman are cunning ones. Yet, if they do not exist, who would push the economy? How can we be living a wealthy life? How could there be any civilization?
Tonight, I spoke with a scientist. Then I realized my 'ScienceArtsBusiness Schizophrenia' is at quite a critical stage. I liked science subjects when I was still at high school. Together with a few other classmates, I joined the Mathematic Olympiad in F.4. I should be a scientist. However, I like reading novels. A few years ago, I met a high school friend who I hadn't met for long time. She remembered me as 'the classmate who liked reading Jane Austen'. I liked artpieces, and calligraphy too. So, seems like I should be an artist. Towards end of my high school years, it was time to think about what to study in university. No doubt, I chose Bachelor of Business Administration. I believed I wanted to be a businesswoman. Then I entered into Business School of HKUST. After graduation, my friends kept saying that I always think about business. That tells I should be a businesswoman.
So far in my life, I still have some kind of passion towards the knowledge in these 'Three Worlds'. I couldn't really make my choice, focusing on either of one only. I felt like living in the ideal united world...
Epilogue: Mr. Scientist suggested two questions, which made me think. (1) How come you like wine so much? (2) What is 'Arts'? I didn't answer at that moment - I simply didn't have the answer. Then, I was travelling on the tram, then the answers came up in mind.
(1) I like wines, it's not just because of the drunken feeling which I couldn't have come across while awake. It's also because of the 'ScienceArtsBusiness Schizophrenia' I mentioned above. Studying more in-depth about wines, plus living my life in reality, I should be travelling between the 'Three Worlds'. Basically, I couldn't find any other subject or work, that make me feel that 'ScienceArtsBusiness Schizophrenia' is actually something worth existing. (Even though I like travelling around, not leaving any footprint, or doing work anonymous, having the purpose of existence is still important for someone living a fruitful life and to survive).
(2) Like what Mr. Scientist's friend suggested, Arts is a kind of dialogue between two - the artist and the viewer. On top, I believe it's actually a dialogue without an boundary of 'time'. I love the work by artists Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), his artpieces show the love, hate, desire and passion, plus depict the fine details of living. In fact, those exist anywhere anytime. During the conversation with Mr. Scientist, he mentioned another artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919). I don't know this artist much. All I remembered is his Impressionism work, showing the happy faces and crowded gathering moments. After that, I suddenly thought of another Impressionist, Claude Monet (1840-1926). One of his famous series of work includes 'Water Lilies'. Yet, the one I recalled is a series of paintings of 'Rouen Cathedral' in France. That's a series of paintings, showing the different light/ shadow seen outside the church.
** The dialogue with Mr. Scientist triggered a thought in mind: IF 'ScienceArtsBusiness Schizophrenia' patient has to be sent to psych-homes, I think my friend has got the potential to be my neighbor! **
Rodin: < http://www.musee-rodin.fr/welcome.htm >
Renoir: < http://www.expo-renoir.com/1_3.cfm?id=37594414 >
Monet: < http://www.theartwolf.com/monet_cathedral.htm >
Not sure if that is inborn, or due to the training/ education during my childhood, seems I got some kind of 'intelligence' to understand more from these three 'Worlds'. Although I was saying 'Three Worlds', to me, they are indeed in One World where I am living at.
Among my friends, there are quite some focusing on the knowledge in one of the 'Three Worlds'. Frankly, I really admire them. They have got that talent, the mentality and the focus. Scientists go after the 'truth' or want to improve the lives of human beings through their new inventions. Artists focus on aesthetics, which could possibly bring human beings the feeling of contented in heart. Businessmen were sometimes blame for their commercial focus. There is a Chinese saying 'If not doing something wicked, one cannot be a businessman'. That could imply all businessman are cunning ones. Yet, if they do not exist, who would push the economy? How can we be living a wealthy life? How could there be any civilization?
Tonight, I spoke with a scientist. Then I realized my 'ScienceArtsBusiness Schizophrenia' is at quite a critical stage. I liked science subjects when I was still at high school. Together with a few other classmates, I joined the Mathematic Olympiad in F.4. I should be a scientist. However, I like reading novels. A few years ago, I met a high school friend who I hadn't met for long time. She remembered me as 'the classmate who liked reading Jane Austen'. I liked artpieces, and calligraphy too. So, seems like I should be an artist. Towards end of my high school years, it was time to think about what to study in university. No doubt, I chose Bachelor of Business Administration. I believed I wanted to be a businesswoman. Then I entered into Business School of HKUST. After graduation, my friends kept saying that I always think about business. That tells I should be a businesswoman.
So far in my life, I still have some kind of passion towards the knowledge in these 'Three Worlds'. I couldn't really make my choice, focusing on either of one only. I felt like living in the ideal united world...
Epilogue: Mr. Scientist suggested two questions, which made me think. (1) How come you like wine so much? (2) What is 'Arts'? I didn't answer at that moment - I simply didn't have the answer. Then, I was travelling on the tram, then the answers came up in mind.
(1) I like wines, it's not just because of the drunken feeling which I couldn't have come across while awake. It's also because of the 'ScienceArtsBusiness Schizophrenia' I mentioned above. Studying more in-depth about wines, plus living my life in reality, I should be travelling between the 'Three Worlds'. Basically, I couldn't find any other subject or work, that make me feel that 'ScienceArtsBusiness Schizophrenia' is actually something worth existing. (Even though I like travelling around, not leaving any footprint, or doing work anonymous, having the purpose of existence is still important for someone living a fruitful life and to survive).
(2) Like what Mr. Scientist's friend suggested, Arts is a kind of dialogue between two - the artist and the viewer. On top, I believe it's actually a dialogue without an boundary of 'time'. I love the work by artists Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), his artpieces show the love, hate, desire and passion, plus depict the fine details of living. In fact, those exist anywhere anytime. During the conversation with Mr. Scientist, he mentioned another artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919). I don't know this artist much. All I remembered is his Impressionism work, showing the happy faces and crowded gathering moments. After that, I suddenly thought of another Impressionist, Claude Monet (1840-1926). One of his famous series of work includes 'Water Lilies'. Yet, the one I recalled is a series of paintings of 'Rouen Cathedral' in France. That's a series of paintings, showing the different light/ shadow seen outside the church.
** The dialogue with Mr. Scientist triggered a thought in mind: IF 'ScienceArtsBusiness Schizophrenia' patient has to be sent to psych-homes, I think my friend has got the potential to be my neighbor! **
Rodin: < http://www.musee-rodin.fr/welcome.htm >
Renoir: < http://www.expo-renoir.com/1_3.cfm?id=37594414 >
Monet: < http://www.theartwolf.com/monet_cathedral.htm >
這個晚上,跟「科學人」對話過後,我就發現自己的「科學|藝術|商業 精神分裂症」頗嚴重。自少愛讀科學的學科,讀中四那年,更與幾位中學同學參加奧林匹克數學比賽,理應是個「科學人」;但我愛看文學小說,記得年前與多年沒見的中學同學聚舊,她記得我是「那個愛看Jane Austen的同學」,我亦愛看畫,寫書法,那樣說,我理應是個「藝術人」;然而,中學快要畢業,要選大學,我很清楚自己的方向,我要讀BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration),我認為自己要從商,結果進了科大商學院,大學畢業後至今,朋友都在說我經常都在想商業想生意,那麼,我該是個「商業人」。
二)藝術的確如他的朋友所說,是一種交流。除此之外,我看那更是一門穿插於時空之中的學問。我最愛的藝術家是羅丹(Auguste Rodin, 1840-1917),他的作品充分表現出人的愛恨與慾念,還有反映著生活的細節,基本上是在任何一個時空的世界,都存在著的。「科學人」好友還提到另一名藝術家Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919),我不太認識他,就只記得他的印象派作品,想起畫中的熱鬧場面。提起Renoir,我想起另一位印象派畫家Claude Monet (1840-1926),著名作品包括一系列的「水蓮」(Waterlilies),而我這回想起的是另一系列的作品,他畫的是位於法國的一座大教堂Rouen Cathedral,在不同時間的顏色變化。
Rodin: < http://www.musee-rodin.fr/welcome.htm >
Renoir: < http://www.expo-renoir.com/1_3.cfm?id=37594414 >
Monet: < http://www.theartwolf.com/monet_cathedral.htm >
這個晚上,跟「科學人」對話過後,我就發現自己的「科學|藝術|商業 精神分裂症」頗嚴重。自少愛讀科學的學科,讀中四那年,更與幾位中學同學參加奧林匹克數學比賽,理應是個「科學人」;但我愛看文學小說,記得年前與多年沒見的中學同學聚舊,她記得我是「那個愛看Jane Austen的同學」,我亦愛看畫,寫書法,那樣說,我理應是個「藝術人」;然而,中學快要畢業,要選大學,我很清楚自己的方向,我要讀BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration),我認為自己要從商,結果進了科大商學院,大學畢業後至今,朋友都在說我經常都在想商業想生意,那麼,我該是個「商業人」。
二)藝術的確如他的朋友所說,是一種交流。除此之外,我看那更是一門穿插於時空之中的學問。我最愛的藝術家是羅丹(Auguste Rodin, 1840-1917),他的作品充分表現出人的愛恨與慾念,還有反映著生活的細節,基本上是在任何一個時空的世界,都存在著的。「科學人」好友還提到另一名藝術家Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919),我不太認識他,就只記得他的印象派作品,想起畫中的熱鬧場面。提起Renoir,我想起另一位印象派畫家Claude Monet (1840-1926),著名作品包括一系列的「水蓮」(Waterlilies),而我這回想起的是另一系列的作品,他畫的是位於法國的一座大教堂Rouen Cathedral,在不同時間的顏色變化。
Rodin: < http://www.musee-rodin.fr/welcome.htm >
Renoir: < http://www.expo-renoir.com/1_3.cfm?id=37594414 >
Monet: < http://www.theartwolf.com/monet_cathedral.htm >
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