驚覺十年 (下)
離開了那經常需要我到外地的工作,就在想自己喜歡甚麼... 找那樣的工作好呢?想呀想...最後發現自己太愛意大利了,希望可以有一日到意大利移民去也。於是,在沒工作的日子,我四出尋找方法,讓我可以進軍意大利的公司。然而最後,沒有意大利公司,反而到了一間賣酒的公司做市塲部的職位。
後記: 一提到「回想十年前」,就驚覺十年光陰就那樣過去了... 其實,根本無從得知下一個十年,會過哪樣的日子,亦沒法猜想得到我的人生又能否再有其他機緣遇到更好的工作,遇上更多的知己好友。不過,總之,今天的我學會了珍惜現在所擁有的一些,包括在此花時間閱讀我所寫的各位好友。即使我跟你/妳從未親身相遇上過,不過能透過文字,而有所交流,那也是緣份。
After 10 Years (II)
Chance. A chance has brought me into the wine industry.
Since my childhood, I have been quite ‘picky’ about food & beverage stuff. If ever I don’t like some taste, or some texture in the food ingredients or dish, I would rather not eating at all. I also found myself loving wines. Although I didn’t start my education in wines long ago, I thought I did have some sort of ‘talent’ in terms of food & wine. Therefore, I had a dream – I hope I could become a food critic one day!
Leaving the company which has brought me lots of business travel opportunities, I started asking myself again and again, what I like, and what kind of job I want. After some thinking, I believed that I liked Italy really so much that I wanted to find a job in an Italian company. Then eventually, perhaps I can migrate to Italy one day. So, when I was still jobless at that time, I started looking for a job in an Italian company. Yet, finally, I couldn’t make it for that. Instead, I got a job in a wine company.
With this chance, I started my new career and new life.
In fact, no matter which industry one is working in, there is something about this job or industry, which is quite annoying. Luckily, I found ‘wine industry’ is one of the least annoying industry. To some extent, I think wine lovers would live their lives with lot of freedom. It doesn’t really matter how stressful their work has made them, or how much they care about their everyday life, they are so happy & excited when they talk about wines. Sometimes, such feeling could not be described at all.. Because of my work in the wine industry, I met a lot of good friends who love wines too. The time with them are so much enjoyable and I am so glad to have them sharing the fun time & wines together. At the end, I found my job in the wine industry lovely. My interest towards wines keep growing… growing…
At the same time, because of wines, I started trying all those types of food which I have never tried before. I got less ‘bias’ towards those which I hate the taste or texture before. The main reason doing this is to have a better understanding towards food & wine, understand better the flavors, textures, etc, so as to do a better food/ wine match.
Because of wines, I got the opportunities and passion to go around the World to search for the very original flavors. French wines, Italian white truffle, Portuguese port, Hungarian sweet wines, Spanish seafood…
I am sure I have never thought of this kind of life 10 years ago. Now, I feel like I could merge my interest and work together. Basically, integrated. Perhaps 10 years later, I could merge my another interest into work? Another interest… Arts.
P.S. Once thinking about “10 years ago”, I realized time really flies, 10 years have passed already. I could not foresee what would happen in the next 10 years, and whether I would meet some more great friends, or get another better job. No one knows. What I know today definitely, I do treasure all I possess today – including all of you reading my words here. Even though we might have never met before, but the communications here through my words is already some kind of affinity that brings people together.
驚覺十年 (上)
「十年前, 或許會... 今日, 不會了。」
想著想著,問自己,其實喜歡甚麼。機緣之下,遇上了當時的一個職位空缺。讓我找到自己喜歡的,那是「出外工幹」。到過德國,美國,中國大陸... 幾乎一年之中,有一半的日子都不在香港。每次「在線上」,朋友都總會問「妳在哪兒呢?」。
After 10 Years (I)
"10 years ago, maybe I would do that. But now, I don't think so..."
Sometimes, I heard these from friends around. All these about 'time' sounds quite depressing, with some kind of 'sadness' in that. I found such quite common among Hong Kong people.
I always think that the pace in Hong Kong is just too fast, perhaps a bit suffocating indeed. Not sure if that is because of the environment with packed housing, or because of the working atmosphere where not everyone could have the chance to really utilize their strengths. It might also because of the education of children grown up in Hong Kong. The most important is MONEY, which is the very key thing they have to look for after they graduate from school. Perhaps they never really had a chance to develop their talent and ask themselves what their interests are.
I started my career in advertising, which was the working field I had been dreaming of. However, after working there for a while, I stareted asking myself "What's next? How about 3 years later? 5 years? 10 years?" Looking from one side, perhaps I was not that 'tough' making me not that capable to stay; on the other hand, even if I were 'tough' enough, what's so special staying? Then, I decided to leave advertising. At least, I did try.
The next question I asked myself 'What do I like actually?'. There came an opportunity, which made me realize I like working away from Hong Kong. I got the chances to make some business trips to Germany, USA, the Mainland China. In a year, probably half of the time I was away. Most of the time when I got 'online', my friends would asked "Where are you?".
That definitely was an interesting job. Yet, after quite some while, I started asking myself again "Is this the life I want to live?" And then, I questioned myself, "Ok, seems I really like doing a Marketing job. But then should I choose the product I like, so I can do better in Marketing, and have more fun?"
Next, I found it. I started working in the wine industry...
(To be continued)

無論如何,在人生不同的階段,總會有不同的追求。也許是我們變得深思熟慮,所謂「成熟了」;又或是我們被世界嚇壞了,不情願再去挑戰周邊的事情了;亦可能是我們「看化了」,把身邊的都看成過眼雲煙,一切都不再在乎了。對我來說,那團火,不重要,因為... 我感到自己心中的那團火其實早已熄滅了... 再不回來了。於是,好好的過日子,好好把握眼前的,珍惜有緣遇上的,那更重要。
Once I was young

I remembered once I attended a business dinner, and I met a new friend there who said to me, "So envy you, you are so young." My instant response to that was, "You were once young too! Why envy?"
Then tonight, I chatted with my friend about the topic "Youth" as implied by having the 'fire' buring in heart. This conversation indeed made me bit upset, and reminded me that dialogue between myself & that business friend.
Everyone was once young.
"Youth" reminded us the 'fire', the 'energy'. Perhaps because young people have not experienced that many things, they are curious about almost everything around. They also possess some kind of energy, making them dare to try. However, when we become more experienced, we somehow would have lost that sort of energy. Perhaps that's because 'experience' made us see things differently from yesterday. My friend told me he is no longer young, and seems the 'fire' in heart is off. Even though the 'fire' might be still on softly, he could still recall the old days, when he was much more energetic with more fierce 'fire' in heart.
Anyway, when we are at different stage of life, we look for different things. Might be we work more carefully with more thorough thinking, which is so-called 'mature'; or we are scared by the World, we do not want to explore & try out anymore; or simply we don't care anymore because we know things would go the way they go.
To me, the 'fire' is indeed not important to me by now, as I believe the 'fire' in my heart has already gone long time ago. It is OFF, and will never come back. So, it is more important to live my life well today, plus treasure all everything & everyone in front.
I wish you all the very best.
也許,就是因為這份感覺,令我更加開懷去細味生活上的種種,學習欣賞周遭的一切:喜歡的,不喜歡的;如意的,不如意的... 總覺得懂得欣賞,就會懂得放開;放開了,隨之而來的就是平靜所帶來的快樂。
Dedicated to YOU who are living your life
Realized there are quite some terms about "culture" such as "pop culture", "cultural events". Personally, I don't have much feeling towards all these as I feel like they are somehow "technical" and "academic". Here, I am not going to look into all these...
Instead, I would like to note down what I notice around, through my eyes, from my ears, by my nose... what I think and how I feel. Basically is just a record of my everyday life in words, making up what I would call "living culture".
Though a bit weird to say like this, but quite true that "time flies" - that means we feel like time is passing too fast, too soon. Especially in Hong Kong, everyone is so busy around here and there, with work, with travel, with activities.. sometimes, I doubt if anyone has ever let themselves stop for a while to take a look at the small pieces around.
I guess while I have been to quite a few countries by now, and I realized there are so many tiny little things going on in different cultures at the society. I started to pay more attention to details in our daily living. Probably the very first step we have got to do is start appreciating our lives - no matter we feel happy or sad, whether we like it or not, just appreciate and treasure everything, anything.
Once we know how to appreciate, we treasure, and then we could see the details, plus live happily. All the best!
Stone from the Ruin

This afternoon, I showed my friend one of my most favorite sculpture, which is actually the one in the slide right in front of me on my desk at home. Then he said to me, "it is just a stone from the ruin." Because of this, I wanted to write something even though I am so busy with work.
The first sight of this sculpture dated back to around like 10 years ago. I saw that at an exhibition at the Landmark in Central. Since then, I love it so much. In 2000, I was in France. I realized my dream for I made a visit to the museum having this ORIGINAL sculpture. (http://www.musee-rodin.fr/). I bought this slide, poster, bookmark, publications, postcard, etc. Until now, I have got several books about this artist and his works!
After my friend's comments, I wondered why I like this 'stone from the ruin' that much. The answer perhaps just: 'REAL'.
To my friend, perhaps that's a piece of stone without any meaning. Or as he said, because I don't know anything about sculpture and I couldn't make it, therefore I love that so much. However, there have been so many sculptors around in the World. Why this only? All his works actually present that kind of 'REAL' touch. The verve in there really caught me.
Turning such 'ordinary stone' into an artpiece which is so humane is not easy at all. His handicraft is really amazing!
(Finally, I would like to quote some words from a book to tell you more about this particular sculpture. English only.)
The Kiss. 1886. Marble. Musee Rodin, Paris.
'That embrace in which there is both desire and chastity'
"The man's head is bent, that of the woman is lifted, and their mouths meet in a kiss that seals the intimate union of their two beings. Through the extraordinary magic of art, this kiss, which is scarcely indicated by the meeting of their lips, is clearly visible, not only in their meditative expressions, but still more in the shiver that runs equally through both bodies, from the nape of the neck to the soles of the feet, in every fibre of the man's back, as it bends, straightens, grows still, where everything adores - bones, muscles, nerves, flesh - in his leg, which seems to twist slowly, as if moving to brush against his lover's leg; and in the woman's feet, which hardly touch the ground, uplifted with her whole being as she is swept away with ardour and grace."
- Gustave Geffroy -
Rodin: The Hands of Genius. (ISBN 0500300194)
The Arts of Living
Tonight, I was reading "The Importance of Living" (by Lam Yu Tong) and "Tao Te Ching" (by Lao Tzu).
Somehow, I found these books have led me to think again what means by "Living". These new thoughts actually have brought me a happier life, plus got me the heart to live a happy life with my loved ones.

某天,跟友人談到她的工作。沒完沒了的「投訴」,關於人事,公司,這樣那樣... 最後,我忍不住問她:「那妳何不辭呈,另覓新的工作?」
[譯於 2007.09.02]
The Sea of Books

"Reading" has become one of my 'habits'. No matter how busy I am, I would do my best to squeeze some time during the week to read. If I was being asked what kind of shop I like the most, I would immediately choose 'bookstore' - despite some of my friends would probably guess 'wine bar' should be my answer.
I also realized buying books has become my habit as well. Even though I like going to library, I don't really like borrowing books from there. The first reason is I feel happier to 'own' the book, while the other reason is I don't like returning books. The 'time limit' to finish the book made me feel a bit tensed somehow.
By now, my speed buying books has been increasing... and then my little room has become like the 'sea of books'...

今時這刻,似乎買書的速度,有增無減... 最後,我那小小的房間,變成了書海...
懷念白松露|I miss the white truffle

Arrived at ALBA, Piedmont, Italy in November 2007. Went there especially for the white truffle fair being held around October/ November. So amazing, so lovely, so precious white truffle... and... so expensive!!
It is around the time for Truffle season... Here the latest news from ALBA...
2007年11月, 特意到了意大利PIEDMONT區的阿爾巴(ALBA)參觀白松露節. 每年的十月/十一月就是松露的收採季節. 那些白松露有如珍寶, 價值連城!!
正值十月起始, 又是松露時節. 有興趣, 可以看看來自阿爾巴的最新消息...

The Kiss. 1886. Marble. Musee Rodin, Paris.
'That embrace in which there is both desire and chastity'
"The man's head is bent, that of the woman is lifted, and their mouths meet in a kiss that seals the intimate union of their two beings. Through the extraordinary magic of art, this kiss, which is scarcely indicated by the meeting of their lips, is clearly visible, not only in their meditative expressions, but still more in the shiver that runs equally through both bodies, from the nape of the neck to the soles of the feet, in every fibre of the man's back, as it bends, straightens, grows still, where everything adores - bones, muscles, nerves, flesh - in his leg, which seems to twist slowly, as if moving to brush against his lover's leg; and in the woman's feet, which hardly touch the ground, uplifted with her whole being as she is swept away with ardour and grace."
- Gustave Geffroy -
Rodin: The Hands of Genius. (ISBN 0500300194)
對我來說,病的時候,總不會想起白粥。已經那麼沒精打彩,又沒甚味兒的時候,怎能連吃的也沒有了色彩呢... 所以病的時候更加不能想起白粥。白粥好應該是在色彩繽紛的時間,好好的品嚐,那才顯得出彩色的精彩,和白色的清純。
兒時可以一個星期七個晚上都只是吃白粥,有沒有其他的餸菜也沒關係。媽親手造的白粥實在與別不同,是那「陳年果皮」的獨特味道滲透在清淡的白粥裡... 和那「軟綿綿」的感覺。外間的,極其量也只會加白果或腐竹而已... 同時,亦未必可以有那種「綿」的感覺, 可能只是「水還水,米還米」,又或者是「稀爛」的感覺...
雖然總覺得媽的粥是最好的,但也喜歡光顧「粥舖」。以前家住九龍荔枝角,每逄星期日早上, 都會「晨咁早」就跟媽到「街市」買餸。第一站的總會是「粥舖」。門口有炸油條的鑊,有那玻璃櫃,放了油條,「牛脷酥」, 有時會有「咸粘餅」... 還有新鮮造腸粉的那個不锈鋼蒸籠... 我的指定動作:「白粥炸両」。
時至今日,「粥舖」見少買少。油器和腸粉多是「大量製造」的,由「工場」運到舖頭。吃起來,總覺得沒有了那份新鮮的感覺。還有那些「碗碟暗號」,和伙計們那「快過計數機」的心算。看一看就知道幾多錢,收錢找贖又「快過打針」。相比今日在某些粥品連鎖店,用的是最先進的「barcode」 和「beep beep 咭」,門口那「收銀處」還是可以水洩不通, 加上「趕時間一族」總會面露那「不耐煩」的不悅之色...
The Culture of Reading
It seems that less and less people would like to go bookstore and stay there to read or to check out the books. One of the reasons could be the high rent in Hong Kong, making it so difficult to get that large space for bookstore like the "Book City" in Shenzhen or "eslite" in Taiwan. Such spacious bookstores (or I should put "MEGA BOOKSTORE"!?) are in fact really good place for spending a whole day! In Hong Kong, it is also common for the store assistant to stop people from sitting on the ground to read in a bookstore. Perhaps the owner is afraid that people doing this will not buy anything, or simply because of the 'visual nuisance' which the owner does not like. In fact, this discourage people to stay longer in the bookstore. Last, another reason could be the popluarity of e-books nowadays.
What a pity indeed.
I have been to China, Taiwan, Singapore, the United States, Europe... Compared to Hong Kong, I would say the 'culture of reading' in those places are much richer and more popular among the general public. Bookstore is still a popular place, and the books found there involve really vast and deep subjects. There is no boundary in the 'wisdom' behind at all. Bookstore is such a good place for family as well!
I wish there will be some sort of 'culture of reading' in Hong Kong.
「打書釘」,似乎在香港漸漸息微。我覺得原因之一是香港租金太過昂貴了,根本沒有如深圳的「書城」,又或是台灣的「誠品」,那些「寬敞」的地方,讓人可以好好的在那兒度過一整天的時間。同時,或因為「外觀」問題,又或是書店的東主怕「打書釘」的人不光顧,看看就罷。結果,若在香港的書店坐在地上看書的話, 是會給職員「趕」的。這樣一來,更加沒人想到書店逗留。亦可能因為現今的「電子書」實在盛行得很,於是更少人會到書店走走。
到過中國,台灣,星加坡,美國,歐洲... 各個地方的閱讀文化,都比香港的更濃更盛。書店還是那樣的受歡迎,而在書店找到的書籍項目既廣且深,那兒所包藏的智慧,誇越時空,無邊無際。書店更是一家大小假日的好去處!
World Heritage (II)
The first time I visited some wineries was a tour to Rhone Valley in France. That was an invitation from the Trade Commission. During my visit, I found the difficulties for the winery, from vine-growing process, to selling of wines. Not to forget, the financial burden which brings winery some kind of worries.
In contrast, what I felt in Tokaj about wines was the residents’ passion towards wines, and how they have mixed together wine & living. Wines are basically part of their lives. I could find grapes growing somewhere on the side street. There were the stainless steel fermenting vats right out there in the backyard. Even for an ‘ordinary’ small house, there you could find an underground cellar. Perhaps that’s not a very good brand, you might even could not find the wines bottled. Seemed quite some for them are not for selling at all, just “in-house consumption”. In fact, there are some wines for sale, but simply sold in plastic bottles when you buy them!
About wine styles, most probably the very first one comes up in mind is ‘Tokaji Aszu’. Like the very renowned sweet wines in Saurternes, these wines are ‘Noble Rot’ wines. The grapes for making such wines are affected by the fungal growth before harvest. In addition, the wine-making process has brought the wines very special aroma and unique flavours with very good complexity. Compared to ‘ordinary’ white wines, these wines are extremely glamorous. Also because picking the grapes is a labour-intensive process, plus not every single grape could be affected by the fungus, the yield is very low. All these make the wines more expensive at the end.
So, what else in Tokaj? There are some dry whites indeed. The main grapes in this region include Furmint, Harslevelu, and Muskotaly. During my trip, I visited a family wine cellar, and tried 3 different types with these varieties. Though they are of the same vintage, they all tasted different with different styles. Interesting.
My own experience right there in Tokaj, made me realize the very close relationship between wines and everyday life, plus the difference of this relationship in different countries. So much attracted by wines…

World Heritage (I)

Loving wines, not just because of the uniqueness found in every single bottle, but also the history & culture behind the wine. In June this year, I went to a wine region in Hungary to have a touch of 'culture' there. In fact, this region was listed in the World Heritage list in 2002. That is TOKAJ.
Although the company I work at does not offer any Hungarian wines, yet I truly believe to learn about wines, we have to study all different kinds of wines from all over the World. Together with the undrestanding of wines through tastings, and personal experience in different wine regions, we can then gain deeper knowledge in the vast subject on wines.
I have only stayed for 2 days during my trip. Even though this was such a short period of time, I have already fallen in love with this place. The calmness of living and the quiet environment really attract me! Also, the importance of wines to the people living in this little town...
World Heritage List: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1063
l.o.v.e. vs h.a.t.e.
I was chatting with my friend about her job the other day, got quite some complaints about people, about the company, about ... at the end, I asked, "why not you quit it and find something you really like?"
The feedback is though I don't like this and that, there are still good points about the job. I don't really wanna quit.
Interesting. We love it, we hate it..
[Written on April 1, 2007]
真正離開了大學,對中東和地中海略有所聞。遇到新朋友,分別來自杜拜,巴林,黎巴嫩。 那一刻,忽然想到希臘和土耳其!
註:那到底會世界有多少個國家? 美國中央情報局說: 「272個國家, 獨立地區和其他個體」
[譯於 2008.08.28 ]
後記: 2008.08.28 再翻查資料, 發覺最新的國家數目, 變了266個.
Ever wondered how many countries in the World?When I was in "primary school", I thought there's only Asia. I've been to Thailand & Japan during those years.
When I was in "secondary school", I realized there's the North America. I've been to the United States of America & Canada.
When I was about to enter university, I found there's the Europe. I've then been to a few countries in Europe, namely Italy, Switzerland, France & UK.
When I was about to leave university, I started to know even in US - there's West Coast & East Coast; in Europe - there's the Western Europe & Eastern Europe.
After I left university, I learnt there's the Middle East & Mediterrean. I met new friends from Dubai, from Bahrain, from Lebanon; I was also thinking about going to Greece & Turkey!
******Every year, I learnt how BIG the World is & realized how SMALL I am in the World.
P.S. So how many countries are there in the World? CIA Factbook says "272 nations, dependent areas, and other entities " < https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/xx.html >
[ Written 2006.07.23 ]

望著這一張相, 百感交集....
時間: 某年某月某日
地點: 地球另一端的 "大嶼山"
人物: 相中人和拍下這張相的人
天氣: 藍天白雲, 夾著清風; 冬天的寒氣給春天的微風驅趕著...
香港的喧鬧真的令人有點倦. 回想到那天在西西里島 -- "地球另一端的大嶼山" 的寧靜環境, 實在令人嚮往. 更加令人陶醉的是那種 "由零開始"的感覺.
曾經有朋友跟我說, 常常找藉口去旅行, 還不只是一種("豪華"的)逃避現實方法! 如果是這樣的話, 我絕對是一個十分喜歡逃避現實的人.
[筆於2006.07.13 ]
Start from Zero

Whenever I look at this photo, I got some kind of strong feeling...
When: xxxx/xx/xx
Where: Lantau Island on the other end of the World
Who: the one in the photo & the one who took the photo
Weather: clouds in the blue sky, with sea breeze; the Spring wind is urging the Winter coldness to go...
The noisiness in Hong Kong really made me tired. Thinking of the days in Sicily (my friend called that "Lantau Island on the other end of the World"), where I could find the quiet moment. I just love it... in fact, what made love this place even more is the felling of "staring from zero".
One of my friends said to me before, travelling away is just a (luxurious) excuse to "escape" from reality. If this is true, then I am sure I love escaping from reailty.
[Translated 2008.08.28]


結果,還是不服氣,開始盡最後努力備戰DIPLOMA in WINES & SPIRITS。雖然心知合格的機會很低,但相信温習的過程所帶來的得著,足以令我感到滿足。
過程比我想像中的艱鉅得多,要認識和硬背的,多得排山倒海。一個又一個新詞彙;一個又一個的品牌;還有那各色各樣的葡萄品種;再來是不同的產區和釀造方法... 所有加湊起來,使人頭昏腦脹。
就這樣,個人享受生活的一環,融入了工作/ 學業當中,就算自己在日常生活或工作上遇到不如意事,都能處之泰然,並好好享受每一刻。